Trauma of Money

Trauma of Money

My wonderful colleague Sarah recently graduated from a professional development program called “Trauma of Money”. The course looks at the intersection of human psychology and finance. I’m excited to have her guest write this month’s newsletter as she shares her...
Family Gifts that make a Difference

Family Gifts that make a Difference

A few weeks ago, I did a talk for Nature London, as part of their Nature in the City series. While I do a lot of talks on financial, charitable and estate topics, this one was a bit different, as it was on my passion for astronomy, and astrophotography in particular....
When Politics and Planning Clash.

When Politics and Planning Clash.

If you have been a long-time reader, you’re probably somewhat surprised to get a January newsletter from us. Most years we take January off, as we have found that nobody likes to think about their money this time of year. Recent events have gotten me thinking about a...
A Messy Messy Christmas

A Messy Messy Christmas

Normally at year end, I like to tell the story of a real person – often we make it someone with a lot of personality or character who has done something unique and amazing with their estate. I’ve spent the year debating what story I should tell. And then, perhaps with...