Dec 15, 2020 | Blog, Stories that Inspire
We are all feeling a little bit like this fellow after the longest year of our lives. Thanks for taking the time to read our newsletter, and we hope that you and your families have a much less adventurous and stressful year next year. We’ve spent the last few weeks...
Nov 3, 2020 | Blog, Stories that Amplify
This month, I’m delighted to share with you a unique charitable gift by my friend David (pictured above in his favourite pastime of birding) that reads like a textbook of how to make a fantastic and impactful charity gift. David is well known in the charitable...
Oct 7, 2020 | Stories that Amplify
I have a confession to make to all of you, my faithful readers, and it’s a deeply personal one… I’m a lifetime chronic saver… but now, for the first time in my life, I’ve gone three whole years without making an RRSP contribution! It’s slowly killing...
Sep 2, 2020 | Stories that Enrich
School in September is going to look very different for our kids and grandkids than it did in this pre-pandemic picture. My wife’s return to school as a primary teacher has me thinking about all the different ways we can nurture our young ones through our...