Feb 7, 2023 | Blog, Stories that Enrich
A few weeks ago I was talking to my retired friend Adrian over breakfast. Adrian’s my kind of person – a chronic saver. He’s done pretty well for himself over the years, and saved up quite the retirement pool of money. Adrian’s always been a low-lifestyle kind of guy,...
Apr 13, 2022 | Blog, Stories that Enrich
Did you know that last week’s federal budget has some big implications for your planning, as well as some very unusual footwear history? April is a magical time of year when all things hang in the balance: birds begin to migrate north, our Canadian weather...
Feb 9, 2022 | Blog, Stories that Enrich
I don’t know about you, but when I was around 6 years old, there was simply no greater joy in life than blowing bubbles. My birthday is in the heat of the summer, and inevitably, someone would give me a bubble wand and solution, and my life was complete. To this day,...
Aug 12, 2021 | Blog, Stories that Empower, Stories that Enrich
I hope you’ve had a great summer! To help you wind things down, this month’s blog is all about one of the most important people in your life – that you have probably never even heard of before. Way back in August of 1927, a young lad named Harry was...
Sep 2, 2020 | Stories that Enrich
School in September is going to look very different for our kids and grandkids than it did in this pre-pandemic picture. My wife’s return to school as a primary teacher has me thinking about all the different ways we can nurture our young ones through our...
Jul 27, 2020 | Blog, Stories that Enrich
Reflecting on how 2020 has capped two fascinating decades in my life. This July has marked some monumental milestones for me. Bridget and I celebrated 20 years of marriage on July 1, just a few days after our oldest son became old enough to drive. My dad turned 79 the...